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Discovering the AI capabilities of Optimizely One

Opal in Optimizely One screen

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Not sure how Opal can support your business strategy? This article explains its functionalities and how to use them effectively.

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Opal as your assistant in digital marketing

Opal currently works across the entire Optimizely platform. It gives marketers real-time insights into campaign performance analytics allowing them to adapt marketing strategies on the fly based on Opal’s data-backed suggestions.

With Opal, your marketing efforts will become more efficient and effective meaning an increase to your bottom line. Plus, as a built-in feature of Optimizely One, it requires no additional licenses or installation.

AI-driven content and product recommendations

Opal uses its AI capabilities to improve user experience and increase conversion rates through: conducting behavioral analysis (analyzing user behavior patterns to create personalised marketing messages and product recommendations, making them more relevant and appealing) and implementing conversion optimization (using predictive analytics to forecast and enhance conversion opportunities, thereby maximising the impact of your marketing budget).

  • Content Recommendation: Opal uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to match content to an individual user’s profile in real-time, continuously generating user interest profiles from their previous content engagement. Optimizely Content Recommendations builds these profiles by anonymously tracking visitor activity on a website, and then provides the most relevant content for each user. The topic performance chart - Optimizely Content Recommendation The topic performance chart - Optimizely Content Recomendation, image source
  • Product recommendation: By analysing user data from website interactions like order history and visitor profiles, algorithms generate personalised product recommendations to match interests. This part of the service however does require an additional license and installation.

AI-Powered experimentation tools

Optimizely One also gives marketers powerful new tools to optimize their marketing activities:

  • Stats Accelerator: Quickly identifies the best campaign elements by continuously analysing performance data. This allows you to almost instantly identify where improvements are needed, and what is worth repeating. It then uses machine learning to adjust web traffic distribution, minimising the time needed to reach statistical significance by directing more visitors to the most promising variations.
  • Multi-armed bandit algorithms: Continuously adjusts traffic distribution to multiple campaign variations, ensuring the most effective versions are shown more frequently. This maximises your campaign efficiency, with the MAB results page focusing on steady improvement over equal allocation.
  • Variation generator: Uses Chat GPT 3.5 to generate text variations in Optimizely’s Visual Editor. This allows you to easily create and test multiple versions of any text-based element on a page, allowing you to find the most well-performing copy for your users.

Variation Generator for Optimizely Web Experimentation Variation Generator available for all Optimizely Web Experimentation customers, image source

  • AI assistance in Web experimentation: Create experimentation plans and suggest hypotheses and variations. Opal organizes conversations by their location within Experiment Collaboration, keeping discussions within a specific hypothesis together for contextual reference. create new hypothesis with AI assistant in Optimizely Web Experimentation image source

Simplifying Content Creation in CMP

Opal assists with the creative process by providing you with quick, high-quality content, generated to align with your strategy, with:

  • Content Creation Assistance: Assists in brainstorming and drafting content, speeding up the development of marketing materials. AI writing assistant in CMP image source
  • Image creation: Generates visual content from text prompts, and allows you to save the images for later use.
  • Copy generation: Automatically produces SEO-friendly text for articles, posts, and advertisements, and can be integrated across various publishing channels. copy generator in Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) Copy generator in Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP), image source
  • Multilingual Content Generation: Supports content creation in multiple languages, helping marketers address a global audience without language barriers.

These features reduce creative bottlenecks and allow your marketing team to focus more on strategy and execution.

CMP in Optimizely currently supports the use of Writer AI and Jasper as standard. However, if you are thinking of integrating another AI provider, Optimizely offers a developer-friendly kit, so that you can Bring Your Own AI (BYOAI).

Operational Support and Real-Time Assistance

  • AI Assistant: Acts as your own virtual assistant, giving you instant support and actionable insights, so that you can more easily navigate through the platform and improve your strategies efficiently. You can find it in the main navigation menu.
  • Automated Asset Tagging: Uses AI to automatically tag your digital assets such as images and documents, improving your content’s organisation and searchability. It does this by analysing your content and attaching tags, which you can go back and edit later.

automatic tagging in CMP Automatic tagging in Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP), image source

  • Semantic Search Enhancement: Uses advanced semantic search capabilities to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results within your platform, helping users find the most relevant information quickly.

Custom AI extension

Looking for even deeper AI integration? For one of our clients, we have developed a ChatGPT Widget for Optimizely CMS, which can be further fine-tuned to business-specific needs. This custom integration uses the OpenAI API to give you even more content generation and personalisation capabilities. The Widget is designed with editors in mind and will help them create various types of text (e.g., keywords, and search engine descriptions) based on a page’s existing content.

The Future of AI in Optimizely One

Optimizely has publicly committed to the ongoing advancement of Opal’s capabilities. Future development will likely focus on creating more sophisticated personalisation tools that allow marketers to target specific segments with greater results. Plans are also in place to speed up more of the content creation process so that marketers can free up time to focus on strategic planning.

These future features will improve your marketing efforts with even greater efficiency and effectiveness. There’s a lot to get excited about by the way Optimizely is implementing AI into its platform and if you’d like to know more about how to integrate Optimizely into your organisation, get in touch with us.

People discussing. The photo focuses on the laptops and a cup of coffee.

Seeking to harness the full potential of Optimizely for your business?

Connect with us for expert guidance and let’s make it happen.


Kamila Smutek, Digital Marketing Specialist at NoA Ignite

Kamila Smutek

Digital Marketing Specialist

Kamila is a digital marketing specialist who manages website content, including blog articles and case studies. She enjoys optimising processes and has a passion for keeping files organised. Personally, she loves gardening and baking her own bread.

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